Automatic Rotating Scan Free Scan 3D Scanner
3D Scanner
Rotating 3D Scanner :
Two scan method:
High Accuracy
EinScan-S 3D scanner adopts structure light phase shifting technology, the accuracy has been proved to be ≤0.1mm.
From Small to Large
With two scan mode settings, EinScan-S is capable of scanning for objects small and large.
The maximum scanning size is 200*200*200mm under automatic scan mode;700 mm *700 mm *700mm under free scan mode.
Faster than Ever
Automatic scan takes less than 3 minutes to complete one circle, three times faster than similar desktop
3D scanner in the market with the turntable scans.
Simple to Use
EinScan-S 3D scanner allows anyone to scan. All you have to do is “click”and the scan process will be done automatically to turn objects into 3D models on computer.
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